
為進一步協助學生規劃生涯藍圖,澳門大學為擔任學生事務工作的教職員提供全球職業生涯規劃師雙證課程培訓(Global Career Development Facilitator),致力為學生提供職業生涯規劃服務,讓他們透過標準化的職業生涯諮詢流程及專業諮詢工具,系統化地為大學生規劃個人生涯發展,從而找到適合的發展道路,幫助學生計劃四年的大學生涯及準備將來的生涯道路,鼓勵大學生提升生涯規劃意識,及早做好個人學習及未來發展路向的規劃,為融入國家發展大局、把握發展潮流機遇做好萬全準備。

全球職業生涯規劃師認證是一個全球的認證體系,專門用於培養在職業發展和職業諮詢領域的專業人士。是次為雙證課程培訓,參與的教職員通過線上線下相結合的方式,深入學習生涯規劃的概念、意義、主要理論、案例以及生涯規劃師的核心理念、職業認證資格、職業道德、工作規範等內容。現時澳大書院系統有 7 名書院副院長、 15 名書院導師,以及7名書院行政管理人員已完成專業培訓並獲得全球職業生涯規劃師 Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) 證書,為學生提供專業職涯規劃服務。

Name in English
職位 Position
書院 College
Prof. CHAO, Kuok Fai
周國暉教授 書院副院長 Associate Master
呂志和書院 (LCWC)
Prof. FUNG, Ka Wai 馮家維教授 書院副院長 Associate Master
馬萬祺羅柏心書院 (MLC)
Prof. GONG, Yingxue 龔映雪教授 書院副院長 Associate Master
鄭裕彤書院 (CYTC)
Prof. HUANG, Caishi 黃才試教授 書院副院長 Associate Master
張崑崙書院 (CKLC)
Prof. JIANG, Yi Vivian 蔣怡教授 書院副院長 Associate Master
霍英東珍禧書院 (FPJC)
Prof. LIU, Jingjing  劉京京教授 書院副院長 Associate Master
紹邦書院 (SPC)
Prof. QI, Yaning  齊亞寧教授 書院副院長 Associate Master
蔡繼有書院 (CKYC)
Dr. CHAN, Hio Hei Phoenix 陳曉希博士 書院導師 Resident Fellow
紹邦書院 (SPC)
Dr. CHAN, Io Ieong 陳耀揚博士 書院導師 Resident Fellow
馬萬祺羅柏心書院 (MLC)
Dr. CHAN, U Wai Saul 陳宇威博士 書院導師 Resident Fellow
何鴻燊東亞書院 (SEAC)
Prof. CHU, Caixia 褚彩霞教授 書院導師 Resident Fellow
張崑崙書院 (CKLC)
Dr. LAO, Chan Chio Andrew 劉振釗博士 書院導師 Resident Fellow
霍英東珍禧書院 (FPJC)
Dr. LAU, Pui Kei Peggy 劉沛棋博士 書院導師 Resident Fellow
滿珍紀念書院 (MCMC)
Dr. SIT, Ho Yi Holly 薛可兒博士 書院導師 Resident Fellow
紹邦書院 (SPC)
Dr. SUN, Sisi 孫斯斯博士 書院導師 Resident Fellow
呂志和書院 (LCWC)
Dr. VIANA, Vénus Teresa 韋旼博士 書院導師 Resident Fellow
馬萬祺羅柏心書院 (MLC)
Dr. CHEANG, Chi Meng 鄭智明博士 書院導師 Resident Fellow
曹光彪書院 (CKPC)
Mr. LEI, Weng Hong Ivan 李永康先生 書院導師 Resident Fellow
呂志和書院 (LCWC)
Mr. NG, Wan Fong Andrew
吳雲峰先生 書院導師 Resident Fellow
曹光彪書院 (CKPC)
Mr. WU, Chi Chong Lantz  胡梓聰先生 書院導師 Resident Fellow
蔡繼有書院 (CKYC)
Ms. CHANG, Kit Peng Sara 曾結萍女士 書院導師 Resident Fellow
霍英東珍禧書院 (FPJC)
Ms. CHANG, Yi Xin Elaine
常藝馨女士 書院導師 Resident Fellow
何鴻燊東亞書院 (SEAC)
Ms. HONG, Ieng Wai Alice 洪盈惠女士 書院導師 Resident Fellow
滿珍紀念書院 (MCMC)
Ms. SIU, Weng Chi Priscilla 蕭詠芝女士 書院辦公室事務主管 Functional Head
曹光彪書院 (CKPC)
Ms. WU, Sio Man Shirley 胡小敏女士 書院辦公室事務主管 Functional Head 呂志和書院 (LCWC)
Mr. CHAN, Kuan Hou Steven 陳均濠先生 書院辦公室行政人員 Administrative Staff
鄭裕彤書院 (CYTC)
Mr. HO, U Hin Wesley 何宇軒先生 書院辦公室行政人員 Administrative Staff 曹光彪書院 (CKPC)
Mr. LAM, Kun Iao Kowin 林觀祐先生 書院辦公室行政人員 Administrative Staff 曹光彪書院 (CKPC)
Ms. SU, Baijing Sheeta
蘇柏靜女士 書院辦公室行政人員 Administrative Staff 張崑崙書院 (CKLC)
Ms. TAM, Si Teng Sophie 譚斯婷女士 書院辦公室行政人員 Administrative Staff 張崑崙書院 (CKLC)

Residential college staff members trained as Global Career Development Facilitators

To further assist students in planning their career paths, the University of Macau provides training in the Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) dual certification program for both academic and administrative staff members in student affairs. This initiative aims to offer career planning services to students, enabling them to systematically develop their personal career paths through standardized career counseling processes and professional consulting tools. The objective is to help students plan their four-year university journey and prepare for their future career paths, encouraging them to enhance their career planning awareness and proactively plan their personal learning and future development trajectories.

The Global Career Development Facilitator certification is a global credentialing system specifically designed to cultivate professionals in the fields of career development and career counseling. The dual certification training program involves both academic and administrative staff members in student affairs participating in a combination of online and offline learning to delve into the concepts, major theories, case studies of career planning, as well as core principles, occupational ethics, and work standards of career facilitators. Currently, within the University of Macau’s residential college system, 7 Associate Masters, 15 Resident Fellows, and 7 administrative personnel have completed the professional training and obtained the Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) certification, enabling them to provide professional career planning services to students.

Last updated on 16 May 2024