University of Macau

Management and Operational Rules for Residential Colleges

The Management and Operational Rules for the University of Macau’s Residential College System (hereafter as Rules) prescribed in this document govern the management and operational details of the Residential Colleges (RCs). These Rules may be revised from time to time according to the development of the RC System, subject to endorsement by the Vice Rector (Student Affairs) (VRSA) and approval by the Rector.

Section One: Management of the RC

  1. General

1.1 For the purpose of these Rules, RC System includes all constituent colleges of the University of Macau (UM), both in operation and in planning.

1.2 The regime for staff members of the RC System is governed by Chapter 12 of “Regulations of the Personnel Affairs of UM”.

1.3 Once in the premises of a RC, a student of the University or visitor to the University, whether a member of the respective RC or not, shall comply with these Rules and any RC rules thereof, and with any reasonable instruction of the respective College Master. In addition, they also need to comply with the general rules and guidelines of UM.


  1. Interpretation

Unless otherwise stated in this document,

2.1 College” refers to a constituent residential college of the UM RC System.

2.2 “College Management” refers to College Masters, Associate Masters, Resident Fellows, and Administration Staff.

2.3 “College members” refer to the members of the College Management, non-residential Fellows and Affiliates, Resident Tutors, and students, resident or otherwise, who are affiliated with a College.

2.4 “Resident College members” refer to College members, student or otherwise, who are in residence at a College. Students in residence are referred to as resident College student members.

2.5 “Non-resident College members” refer to College members, student or otherwise, who are not in residence at a College. Students not in residence are referred to as nonresident College student members.

2.6 “College residents” refer to residing family members of College members and guests authorized by the College Master to reside in a College.

2.7 “Visitors” include all persons who are invited by College members or College residents to visit a College, who are not a member of that College. Unless in open-house events, a College is closed to the public for security reasons.

  1. Administration of These Rules

3.1 The College Master is responsible for the upholding of these Rules in his or her College in order to promote holistic development of students, provide pastoral care, and oversee the overall administration of the College in accordance with the visions and missions of the UM.

3.2 The development and revision of these Rules can be discussed and endorsed by the meeting of RC Matters, subject to further procedure in 3.4.

3.3 The College Master of a respective RC may make additional rules to those listed in Sections One and Two of this document as deemed necessary for the maintenance of order and discipline in his or her College. These additional rules must however be consistent with the spirit of the Rules herewith, and with other UM governance documents.

3.4 These Rules are subject to endorsement by the VRSA and approval by the Rector, and will take effect from the time of their posting.


  1. College Allotment and Readmission

4.1 The UM requires that each first-year student be residential in a College, and actively participate therein unless waived (General Rules Governing Bachelor’s Degree Programmes). In cases of exceptional circumstance, petition for a waiver of the residential requirement may be made to the VRSA for consideration and approval.

4.2 All incoming first-year students will be allotted to one of the Colleges after being admitted to UM, following the standing policies of allotment and other UM regulations.

4.3 Allotment policies are designed to achieve a good mix of the student body in each College, among other education purposes.

4.4 Transfer to another college is in general not allowed unless there is a compelling reason. Transfer requires endorsement by both College Masters concerned and approval by the VRSA.

4.5 Students may apply for readmission to reside at a College after the first academic year if they have such a need. Readmission application will be reviewed by the College and a decision be made by the College Master. Consideration will be given to his/her contribution to college, activity participation and other performance in college, and justifiable special needs, among other factors. Students who have special need to be readmitted should inform the College Master, Associate Master, or a Residential Fellow as early as possible.

  1. Payment of College Fees

5.1 In accordance with the UM regulations, each resident College student member shall pay his/her College Fees in advance unless with an approval of deferred payment. They must also pay a security deposit in line with UM policy. Refunds of fees shall follow the RC fee refund policy.

  1. Privileges of College Student Membership

6.1 A resident College student member who has settled all appropriate College charges or who has been permitted to make a deferred payment of these, is entitled to all the rights, privileges and benefits granted to resident College student members during their residency;

6.2 A non-resident College student member can enter and remain in the College during such times and in such manner as prescribed by the College Master.

  1. The College House Association

7.1 Each College will establish a House Association (HA) or similar organization. All resident and non-resident College student members are automatically members of the HA.

7.2 HA is set up as an education platform of management skills and leadership under the supervision and guidance of the College Management. It is not a student self-rule organization.

7.3 The executive members of the HA are normally elected by all members of HA. Executive members of the HA may also be appointed by the College Master.

7.4 The College Master, or his/her representative, and his/her appointees including at least one student will act as returning officers for elections.

7.5 The constitution of the HA and its amendment are subject to the approval by the College Master.

Section Two: General RC Operational Rules

  1. General Conditions of College Student Membership

1.1 Besides the general requirements defined for the UM RC System, a College student member, in residence or otherwise, shall comply with any reasonable instruction of the College Master. He or she should attend High Table Dinners and other official College functions as prescribed, as well as meetings to which he or she has been invited by the College Management.


  1. Proof of Identity

2.1 At the request of any member of the College Management or security guard, a College member in residence or otherwise, a non-College-member resident, or a visitor, shall present for inspection a current UM Student Card, Staff Card, or appropriate document of identification. Any person who fails to comply with this clause may be refused entry into the College, or may be asked to leave the College.


  1. Visitors

3.1 Visitors shall only remain in the College between the hours of 9:00 am and 10:00 pm unless the College Master or his/her representative gives permission otherwise.

3.2 A visitor may be permitted to stay overnight in a College provided that

i. prior permission of the College Master or his/her representative has been obtained;

ii. payment of a prescribed charge, as the case may be, has been made.

3.3 A College member or a non-College-member resident who invites a visitor shall be responsible for

i. the conduct of the visitor while he or she is on the College premises;

ii. any charges or cost incurred by the visitor.

3.4 Resident College student members shall not invite any person of the opposite gender to visit residential rooms. Such meetings must take place in prescribed common areas in the College.

3.5 A College Master may prohibit any visitor or any person not being a College member or non-College-member resident from entering the College, ask him/her to leave the premises at any time, or permit him/her to remain on the premises beyond the time laid down for the departure of guests from the College.

  1. Room Key Cards

4.1 Resident College student members must keep their assigned key cards in a secure manner. Transfer of key cards to any other person, except members of the College Management, for entering residential rooms or for consuming College meals, if any, is strictly prohibited.

4.2 Duplication of key card or holding multiple key cards is strictly prohibited.

4.3 Assigned key cards must be returned to the Office when moving out of College.

4.4 Charges will be incurred to a resident College student member in case of:

i. loss of key card;

ii. late return of key card borrowed from the Security Counter.

4.5 Resident College student members losing the key card for any reason must report the loss immediately to the Office or, after hours, to the Security Guard on duty, and go through the replacement procedure.

4.6 Any charge paid for key card replacement is non-refundable in all circumstances.


  1. Change of Room

5.1 Change of room is allowed but only with good reason and subject to availability of a suitable room for such purpose. Students who request a room change should first complete the appropriate form at the College general office then make an appointment with the Associate Master. The Associate Master will make a decision thereafter.


  1. Respect for Other Residents

6.1 Resident College members and College residents shall avoid actions or behaviors which may disrupt the normal collegial life of other resident College members or College residents, respect other College members’ rights to privacy, maintain a reasonably quiet environment to study and rest, use College’s facilities in a reasonable manner, and refrain from improper behavior.

6.2 Resident College members and College residents shall not enter the rooms of other residents without consent unless they are doing so on official duty.

6.3 Resident College members and College residents should be properly attired in common areas of the Colleges at all times.

  1. Personal Property

7.1 Resident College members and College residents are responsible for their personal property in the Colleges. To minimize chances of theft, valuable personal belongings must be kept in a safe place. The room door should be locked when leaving. Colleges are not responsible for any loss of personal property. Personal property such as books or computers should not be left unattended in study rooms or other common areas. Cash and valuable items must be locked in an appropriate place in the residential rooms.

7.2 Hallways, walkways and stairs should be kept clear of furniture, refuse, personal belongings large or small, such as shoes, bicycles, or umbrellas, and any other objects, so that those items would not obstruct passages and therefore escape routes during emergencies. Any items found in hallways, walkways and stairs may be removed and disposed of without prior notice.

  1. University Property

8.1 College members and College residents shall not remove any furniture, fittings, fixtures or facilities provided for use in the College without prior approval from the College Management.

8.2 College members and College residents shall not deface, defile or damage any wall or any structure of any kind, or any furniture, fittings, fixtures or facility provided for use in the Colleges, or install any new utility or fitting without prior approval from the College Management. College members and College residents who fail to comply with this clause shall be subject to charges imposed by the College Management.

8.3 College members and College residents must make good or pay for any damage to furniture, fittings and the fabric of the College for which he or she is responsible, fair wear and tear excepted.

  1. Areas Out of Bounds

9.1 Resident College student members shall not enter rooftop or balcony areas that are out of bounds in the College building.

9.2 Resident College student members shall not endanger themselves by positioning themselves on the window ledge of the residential room, or any other dangerous place.


  1. Fire Safety

10.1 Cooking in the Colleges is strictly prohibited except in the designated areas as authorized by the College Master.

10.2 Cooking left unattended is strictly prohibited at all times.

10.3 Possession of chemicals, explosives or highly combustible materials that are potentially dangerous or damaging is strictly prohibited.

10.4 Open flames, including candles and incense, are strictly prohibited in any part of the College except when approved by the College Master or his/her representative in the case of specific ceremonies and celebrations.

10.5 Interference of fire service devices is strictly prohibited.

10.6 Attendance of all resident College members and College residents at official fire drills is compulsory, failure of which without permission of the College Management may affect future readmission application.


  1. Smoking, Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling

11.1 According to the UM’s No Smoking Policy smoking is strictly prohibited.

11.2 Resident College members, College residents, and their visitors shall not bring into or use in the Colleges any illegal drugs or misuse prescription drugs.

11.3 Consumption or storage of alcoholic beverages without prior approval from the College Master is not allowed.

11.4 Resident or non-resident College student members shall not engage in any gambling whatsoever on the College premises, or permit such gambling to take place in their residential rooms.


  1. Electricity Appliances

12.1 Light electrical appliances intended for necessary personal care may be used in the residential room but must be in good order and properly maintained.

12.2 All other electrical appliances must be approved by the College Management.

12.3 Charging batteries when unattended and overloading electrical outlets are prohibited.

12.4 College Management may remove without prior notice any appliances in any residential rooms or common areas which may disturb or endanger others.

12.5 Residents should endeavor to save energy in the College.

  1. Cleanliness

13.1 It is responsibility of the resident College members and College residents to keep the residential room and bathroom clean and hygienic. The resident College member and College residents should clean and empty trash bins in his / her room, tie up the trash in a garbage bag properly before disposing it in the refuse rooms.

13.2 Common or communal facilities must be left in a clean and tidy condition after use. If such facilities are found to be in an unclean, untidy, or unhygienic condition, please report immediately to the relevant RTs, RAs, or the College Management.

13.3 Cost of cleaning common areas left in poor condition may be passed on to those responsible.


  1. College Management’s Entering into a Student’s Room

14.1 The College, or its authorized persons, may enter any rooms for purposes of health, safety, security, and building maintenance. Prior notice will normally be given of such entry to resident College members and College residents, except in cases of emergency, abandonment, or where prior notice is deemed not viable. A notice of entry will be left in the room thereafter.

  1. Promotion and Commercial Activities

15.1 For-profit commercial promotions and activities are prohibited in the Colleges. Sale of any goods or services in the Colleges is not allowed without prior approval of the College Management.

15.2 Without prior approval of College Management, distribution or posting of promotional items for any purpose is prohibited.

15.3 Posters shall be approved and stamped by the College Management. They can only be placed in those areas designated for posting.

15.4 Hard copies of any publications, commercial or otherwise, shall have prior approval of the College Management before being placed in designated locations of the College.

  1. Quiet Hours and Noise Level

16.1 Individual Colleges will negotiate quiet hours with the House Association and other College members and post them accordingly.

16.2 Resident College student members should avoid making disturbing noise in any parts of the Colleges when meetings and other functions are in progress.

16.3 Quiet Hours may be extended during study and examination periods.

16.4 At all times, College members and College residents should keep noise levels reasonable so as not to cause nuisance to neighbors and fellow College members.

16.5 Quarrelling loudly should be avoided. Unsettled disputes should be referred to Resident Assistants, Residential Tutors, or the College Management for mediation in order to be resolved in an amicable manner.

  1. Pets

17.1 For health and safety reasons, a College member or a non-College-member resident shall not, without special permission from the College Master, bring onto the College premises any pet, including fish tanks and insect enclosures.


  1. Dangerous Objects

18.1 College members or College residents are forbidden to bring any object into the College which could endanger the well- being of others.


  1. Vehicles

19.1 Motor bikes and scooters are not to be driven inside College grounds or left in College designated bicycle parking areas.

19.2 Students from one College cannot park their bikes in the designated parking areas of another College.

19.3 Bikes are not to be left standing in areas not designated for bicycle parking such as public footpaths.

19.4 Bicycles should only be ridden on bike paths, not inside College grounds or pedestrian walkways.

19.5 Any Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Devices are not allowed within the College premises, including College student rooms and public areas, except otherwise approved by the College Management.

19.6 Storage of Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Devices, as well as charging of such devices or their batteries within the College is strictly prohibited.

  1. Disciplinary Procedures

20.1 Disciplinary action may be considered against a resident College student member if there is evidence beyond reasonable doubt that rules are violated to the extent that such disciplinary action is deemed warranted by the College Master.

20.2 A College Master may take disciplinary action in accordance with regulations and practices as authorized by Item 2 Article of “Student Disciplinary Regulations of the University of Macau” (03/201406/100).

20.3 A College Master may assign the Associate Master (AM) to convene the College Disciplinary Committee (CDC) to assist and advise the College Master regarding a particular case. The CDC will consist of three members, including the AM, one Resident Fellow, and one student who can be either a Resident Tutor, a Resident Assistant, or a nominee from the House Association Executive. The CDC is only advisory and the final decision rests with the College Master.

20.4 In the event that a disciplinary case involves more than one Colleges, or between College and Faculties, the Dean of Students of UM will act as coordinator.

20.5 The Dean of Students of UM will normally handle all appellate disputes arising from RC related disciplinary decision if he does not serve as the coordinator as prescribed in 20.4, in which case the VRSA will handle the dispute instead.

20.6 Depending on the degree of severity, a College Master may decide to take any of the following disciplinary actions, or other disciplinary measures as deemed more proportional.

i. Temporary or permanent termination of privileges in a College, including residency;

ii. Exclusion from readmission;

iii. Restriction from entering the College premises;

iv. Referral to the Dean of Students of UM for consideration of further disciplinary action.