
Residential College Education Team


All residential colleges in UM have a standardised staffing management organisation. Full-time resident academic staff include the College Master, the Associate Master and two Resident Fellows. The College Master direct the overall development of the college. He or she is normally a professor with excellent academic and research achievements, who possesses rich teaching and administrative experience and maintains an extensive international network in his or her fields of expertise. The Associate Master, who is a doctoral degree holder with extensive college education, student affairs or faculty teaching experience, oversees all the educational activities, day-to-day operation and student affairs in the college. The two Resident Fellows are normally doctoral degree holders (some of them are PhD candidates in the final stage of their studies) who assist the College Master and the Associate Master in the implementation of college’s education, academic support and pastoral care for approximately 700 students. As members of the college community, the resident academic staff share the same living environment with the students. Through involving themselves in offering professional support and pastoral care to students and engaging in students’ daily lives, they get to know each of the students and guide them to influence and learn from each other. As part of the team, there is one Functional Head and two Administrative Officers in each of the colleges to provide support to college’s daily operation and the implementation of college’s education.


書院教育大致通過五大教育舉措培養學生在七項勝任力的成長。為了提升書院教職員的專業程度及能力, 大學特意為書院教育團隊提供五大方面的在職培訓,內容及範圍包括: 憲法與基本法、職涯規劃、食物及營養、歷奇輔導,以及心理健康。

The college education is primarily aimed at fostering students’ growth in seven learning competencies through five major experiential educational measures. In order to enhance the professionalism and capabilities of the college staff, the university provides specific training for the college education team in five key areas, including constitution and basic law of Macao, career planning, food and nutrition, adventure-based counseling, and mental well-being.




The University of Macau (UM) Faculty of Law recently kicked off a training course in the constitution of China and the Basic Law of Macao for academic staff members of residential colleges. The course aims to increase the participants’ understanding of the constitution of China and the Basic Law of Macao to cultivate professionals who love China and Macao. In his speech, UM Vice Rector Mok Kai Meng said that UM attaches great important to patriotic education and strives to provide various channels for students, faculty members, and staff members to learn more about the two legal documents and the importance of national security.


為進一步協助學生規劃生涯藍圖,澳門大學為擔任學生事務工作的教職員提供全球職業生涯規劃師雙證課程培訓(Global Career Development Facilitator),致力為學生提供職業生涯規劃服務,讓他們透過標準化的職業生涯諮詢流程及專業諮詢工具,系統化地為大學生規劃個人生涯發展,從而找到適合的發展道路,幫助學生計劃四年的大學生涯及準備將來的生涯道路,鼓勵大學生提升生涯規劃意識,及早做好個人學習及未來發展路向的規劃,為融入國家發展大局、把握發展潮流機遇做好萬全準備。全球職業生涯規劃師認證是一個全球的認證體系,專門用於培養在職業發展和職業諮詢領域的專業人士。是次為雙證課程培訓,參與的教職員通過線上線下相結合的方式,深入學習生涯規劃的概念、意義、主要理論、案例以及生涯規劃師的核心理念、職業認證資格、職業道德、工作規範等內容。現時澳大書院系統有 7 名書院副院長、 14 名書院導師,以及7名書院行政管理人員已完成專業培訓並獲得全球職業生涯規劃師 Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) 及北森生涯規劃師(BCF)雙證書,為學生提供專業職涯規劃服務。

To further assist students in planning their career paths, the University of Macau provides training in the Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) dual certification program for both academic and administrative staff members in student affairs. This initiative aims to offer career planning services to students, enabling them to systematically develop their personal career paths through standardized career counseling processes and professional consulting tools. The objective is to help students plan their four-year university journey and prepare for their future career paths, encouraging them to enhance their career planning awareness and proactively plan their personal learning and future development trajectories. The Global Career Development Facilitator certification is a global credentialing system specifically designed to cultivate professionals in the fields of career development and career counseling. The dual certification training program involves both academic and administrative staff members in student affairs participating in a combination of online and offline learning to delve into the concepts, major theories, case studies of career planning, as well as core principles, occupational ethics, and work standards of career facilitators. Currently, within the University of Macau’s residential college system, 7 Associate Masters, 14 Resident Fellows, and 7 administrative personnel have completed the professional training and obtained the Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) and Beisen Career Facilitator (BCF) certification, enabling them to provide professional career planning services to students.


為了配合書院的共膳教育理念,大學致力於提供學生一個結合生活與教育的環境。為此,大學在書院內設有食堂生活教育空間,旨在平衡健康飲食觀念與多元文化特色,並提升學生對健康生活的關注和意識。為了達到這一目標,大學特別為書院教職員提供飲食和營養相關的培訓。每個書院都至少派遣一名教職員參加培訓,並致力在完成培訓後獲得由英國政府資歷及考試評審局(Ofqual)認可的TQUK(The Training Qualifications UK)頒發的四級「食品、營養及健康文憑」(TQUK Level 4 Diploma in Food, Nutrition & Health)證書。同時,參與培訓的教職員將成為書院健康生活工作小組的成員,以書院為平台,系統地推動健康生活相關活動和教育,共同提升學生的健康生活水平。

In accordance with the educational philosophy of the residential colleges, the university provides students with an integrated living and learning environment. The university has equipped each residential college with a dining hall as space for life education, dedicated to promoting a balanced approach to healthy balanced diet and embracing diverse cultural characteristics. This initiative aims to enhance students’ awareness and attention to healthy lifestyle. To support this endeavor, the university offers food and nutrition-related training to the residential college staff. At least one staff member from each residential college is selected to undergo this training, and upon completion, they will receive the TQUK Level 4 Diploma in Food, Nutrition & Health, a qualification recognized by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) in the United Kingdom. Simultaneously, the participating staff will become members of the Residential College Healthy Lifestyle Work Group, which operates on the concept of a platform consisting of ten residential colleges, systematically promoting activities and education related to healthy lifestyle.



The University of Macau organized an on-site adventure-based counseling training program from May 15th to 18th, 2023, offering an Adventure-based Counseling AI Trainer training Course to 28 college staff members. Through a specific set of program techniques and facility arrangements integrated into the college education system, the focus was on enhancing the staff’s skills in organizing activities. This aimed to foster positive emotions when dealing with student issues, effectively guide students to utilize their strengths and potentials in the face of adversity, and educate students to transform everyday life into meaningful educational activities. The goal was to enhance personal growth, influence others, and enrich the learning atmosphere in the college community. The course spanned four days, in total of 40 hours of training, and all participating staff members completed the training and received the respective certification. Staff who participated expressed that the course deepened their understanding of interpersonal connections, improved their comprehension of experiential teaching, and enhanced their ability to apply it in addressing student queries in their work. Furthermore, since the participants came from ten different colleges, the training process fostered mutual understanding among the entire education team, strengthening the connections between colleges, promoting a spirit of mutual assistance, leveraging shared resources, and enhancing the positive emotions within the overall college student community. This contributed to a consolidated, mentally and physically healthy learning environment in the colleges.



In order to enhance the mental health awareness among staff and student leaders in RC (e.g. Resident Tutors, Resident Assistants, HA leaders) , university organizes Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Standard Courses for them regularly. Participants with such training will know how to provide basic support to students in emotional distress, and make referral to professional services when necessary. Participants completing the course would receive a certificate issued by the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong.