
為了讓新生更快適應澳大的學習和生活環境,澳大在開學時會舉行一系列的“澳大之道”迎新活動,讓新生互相認識和獲取各類校園資訊,並與家長建立良好的溝通和合作關係。為進一步幫助新生融入校園生活,澳大舉辦“澳大第一步”講座,由校長辦公室、學生事務部、體育事務部和澳大學生會代表為本科新生介紹書院教育及不同類型的學生服務、培訓計劃、校園資訊和設施、學術規條和指引等。此外,為促進家校合作,加深新生家長對澳大的了解,澳大亦會舉辦“新生家長簡介會”。於此同時, 各所書院亦會為其新生舉辦迎新活動,讓其新生更快適應書院的生活。

Orientation activities help new students adapt to campus life

In order to help new students adapt to the learning and living environment at the University of Macau (UM), UM organizes a series of “The Way to UM” orientation activities at the beginning of each academic year. These activities aim to facilitate mutual acquaintance among new students, provide various campus information, and establish good communication and cooperation with their parents. To further assist new students in integrating into campus life, UM organizes the “First Step to UM” lecture. Representatives from the Rector’s Office, Student Affairs Office, Office of Sports Affairs and Student Union introduce undergraduate students to college education, different types of student services, training programs, campus information and facilities, academic regulations, and guidelines. Additionally, “New Student Parent Briefing” session promotes collaboration between families and the university and enhance parents’ understanding of UM. Meanwhile, each college organizes orientation activities specifically for their new students to help them adapt to college life.