W33, W34 及S9 書院食堂之本月餐單

W33, W34 & S9 College Dining Halls Menus of the Month

W11, W12, W33, W34 及S9 書院食堂餐廳之膳食服務


  • 恒豐食品有限公司成立于2010年,現為澳門本地主要食品制作及世界各地食品澳門代理之一;
  • 此公司于2011年已成為澳門首家烘焙供應商通過 ISO 22000:2018 和 HACCP 安全認証,獲得澳門企業國際管理認証超過12年,本年更獲得澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心晉升為銀獎企業;
  • 此公司現為澳門地區星巴克,IKEA及星级酒店等機構之食品供應商。
  • Established in 2010, Heng Fung Foods Company Limited is now one of the major local food producers and distributors of food products worldwide in Macau;
  • In 2011, the company became the first bakery supplier in Macao to obtain ISO 22000:2005, ISO 22000:2018, and HACCP safety certification. For more than 12 years, it has been certified by the International Management Certification Recognition for Macao Enterprises. The Macao Productivity and Science and Technology Transfer Center (CTPTM) promoted it to the Silver Award;
  • The company is now the food supplier for Starbucks, IKEA and star hotels in Macau.


  • W33, W34 及S9 書院食堂將由經驗豐富星級厨師主理;
  • S9 書院食堂餐廳及厨房可以做到不處理與豬相關的飲品及食品,滿足部份宗教信仰人員需要(有需要的師生可向有關書院查詢相關訂餐服務)

The college cafeteria features the following services:

  • W33, W34 and S9 college dining hall catering services are under the management of an experienced chef with years of experience working for hotels;
  • The S9 college kitchen can satisfy the needs of some religious people by not handling pig-related food (teachers and students can inquire about the relevant ordering service)