




書院與學院協同育人,書院系統以體驗式課程規劃提供全人教育的環境,書院生活的同宿共膳、師友互動的氛圍,扮演着十分重要的育人角色。有關高桌晚宴及共膳教育津貼, 請瀏覽共膳教育


書院學分必修科目是協助學生適應大學學習模式和生活,計劃四年的大學生活,提升事業競爭力,培養學生主動學習。這些課程培養學生把在學院課程學到的專業知識和通識,活學活用,學習和不同專業及背景的院生溝通及交流,通過多元團隊合作而發揮協同效應  。這些將會貫徹到住宿式書院生活的各方面。有關書院必修課資料,可以瀏覽大學註冊處網頁住宿式書院畢業要求


書院教學、行政人員及學生領袖均有接受有關提供情緒關顧輔導及調解技巧的基本培訓,大部分書院學術人員擁有國際認可的全球職涯發展師資格。另外,每所書院均獲心理輔導處每周分派兼職輔導員駐書院為學生提供專業輔導。學生通過定期與導師見面,使導師有更多機會爲學生提供適切的關顧服務或學術支持。關於書院師資, 可瀏覽在職專業培訓


書院為所有宿生分配至少一位書院教學人員為其大學生活的指導老師,與學生定期面談。每位學生領袖亦必須領導至少一組宿生小組協助書院學術人員提供同儕關顧服務。與此同時,書院近年為了提升學生跨學科的實用技能特別設有各種學術輔導計劃項目 (Residential College Academic Tutorial Programme) ,加強學生在不同領域的學術技能發展。

Practising through Five Major Experiential Education Measures

The college system aims to cultivate students into good citizens with a sense of national identity. The communal life and activities in the colleges also aim to enhance students’ qualities in responsible citizenship, global competitiveness, knowledge integration, teamwork and collaboration, service and leadership, cultural engagement, and a healthy lifestyle. In order to develop students’ competencies in these seven areas, the college education provides five major educational measures, including activity learning, communal meal education, college credit-bearing courses, pastoral care and academic support.

Activity Learning

College education encourages students to participate in the planning and organization of activities, fostering their competence and skills. Students become both participants and organizers of activities, which helps develop their various competencies.

Communal Meal Education

College life emphasizes communal dining and interaction among students, playing an important role in character development and cultivating a sense of community. For more about High Table Dinner or Communal Meal Participation (CMP) subsidy, please visit Communal Meal Education.

College Courses

Colleges offer specific courses designed to enhance students’ college experience and equip them with skills for their future careers. These courses help students integrate their academic knowledge with real-world experiences, promote cross-disciplinary collaboration, and enhance their communication skills. Please visit Registry website or RC Graduation Requirements for further information.

Pastoral Care

College staff and student leaders receive training in mental health first aids and conflict resolution. Most of the academic staff members working in colleges are holders of Global Career Development Facilitator qualification. Additionally, colleges have access to part-time counselors who provide professional counseling services to students. Please visit Trainings for Staff to know more about our staff’s qualifications and expertise.

Academic Support

Each residential college assigns at least one academic staff member as a mentor to guide the residents throughout their university life. Furthermore, each student leader is required to lead at least one group of residents, assisting in providing peer support services. Concurrently, the Residential College Academic Tutorial (RCAT) Programme, which the residential colleges have been actively promoting in recent years, enhances students’ academic skill development across different fields.