跨書院的共膳教育環境和 “共膳教育”津貼制度鼓勵學生與背景和興趣不同的同學和教師一起用餐。書院的食堂是一個教育空間,學生可以發展、實踐和提升他們的人際交往和社交技能,讓學生可以從各種美食中體會不同地域的文化差異,也可以在選擇食物的過程中學習建立均衡飲食自我管理的良好習慣。我們的供應商是澳門本地企業,具有悠久的歷史和豐富的餐飲服務經驗,並且擁有國際HACCP(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)認證。負責健康生活推廣教育的書院教職員是一支接受了TQUK食品、營養和健康學文憑四級的培訓專業團隊。爲了實踐共膳參與教育理念,大學特意爲書院學生提供定額定量的共膳參與津貼(簡稱“CMP”點數)於指定的書院食堂組合内使用。不知道怎樣使用共膳參與津貼? 請瀏覽本頁的CMP使用方法及注意事項。
The inter-college communal dining environment and the implementation of “Communal Meal Education” subsidy system encourages students to dine with their peer and teachers with different backgrounds and interests. Colleges’ dining halls are an educational space where students develop, practise and enhance their inter-personal and socializing skills.Our suppliers are local Macau enterprise with a long history and strong experience in catering service with international Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) certification, and our residential college staff is a professional team with personnel having trainings in TQUK Diploma Level 4 in Food, Nutrition and Health. To implement “communal meal participation”, the university offers a designated subsidy called the “Communal Meal Participation Subsidy” (CMP Subsidy) to eligible undergraduate students to use within specified college dining hall groups. Not sure how to use your CMP points? Please visit “How to use your CMP points.”
開心分享一下,現在書院的膳食服務供應商不一樣了!每個書院食堂都各有特色,提供不一樣的各地菜式。從傳統的中式餸飯、蒸飯燉湯到麻辣燙、土生葡菜、素食、即日烹調的海鮮等,包羅萬有!大家可以按餐單 Menu及個人喜好選擇。書院食堂從8月1日開始爲大家提供早餐(7:30-10:30)、午餐(11:30-14:30)及晚餐(17:30-21:00)*
*於8月12及13日書院新生Mass Move in以及日後書院特別活動日子,有關食堂將暫時不開放給非書院學生,不作另行通知,大家可到校内其他書院食堂或餐飲場所用膳,敬請留意。
New catering service providers for the residential college dining halls will be on board from August 2024! Each college dining hall has its own unique features and offers a variety of cuisines. There will be a wide range of variety of choices from traditional Chinese set dishes, steamed rice with stewed soup, to Sichuan spicy, Macanese dishes, vegetarian options, and freshly cooked seafood! Please click 餐單 Menu to choose according to your personal preference. Starting from 1st August, the college dining halls will provide breakfast (7:30-10:30), lunch (11:30-14:30), and dinner (17:30-21:00)* for UM staff and students.
*Please note that during the mass move-in days for new students on August 12 and 13 and special college event days, the dining halls may temporarily closed to non-college students without prior notice. In such cases, everyone is encouraged to dine at other college dining halls or food venues on campus.