- 簡介
- 為更好實踐住宿式書院的全人發展教育目標,書院社工/輔導服務旨在為書院的院生提供支持性、預防性及發展性的服務。
- 服務範圍
- 提供個案諮詢服務,以支援學生處理適應、學習、人際關係、情緒困擾等問題。
- 為院生舉辦預防性及發展性的活動,例如精神健康、自我認識、人際關係、領導能力、服務學習等培訓。
- 轉介有需要的院生到合適的社區資源。
- Introduction
- In order to better facilitate the whole person education in RCs, the social work / counseling service aims at providing supportive, preventive, and developmental service to students in RCs.
- Service Scope
- To provide consultation to students to help them cope with challenges such as adjustment, academic pressure, interpersonal relationship, emotional disturbance, etc.
- To deliver preventive and developmental activities, such as mental health education, self-awareness, interpersonal relationship, leadership development, and service learning to students.
- To refer students to the appropriate community resources for meeting students’ special needs when necessary.
Besides Social Work / Counselling Service in RCs, Student Affairs Office also provides Psychological Counselling Service. Students are welcome to make appointment with our counsellors or learn more about the Psychological Counselling Centre.