Vice Rector (Student Affairs) Professor Billy So led a delegation from the University of Macau (UM) Residential College System and Student Affairs Office to the 6th Forum on Education of Modern Residential College System at Fudan University, Shanghai during July 5-6, 2019. There were more than 380 experts, scholars, teachers and students from 56 universities attending this forum. The forum aimed to provide a platform for exchange and discussion on modern residential college education, as well as to share successful experience, establish connections and collaborations with colleges of other universities.

2019年7月5-6日澳門大學學生事務副校長蘇基朗教授率領澳門大學住宿式書院代表團前往上海復旦大學參加“第六屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區高校現代書院制教育論壇” 。今屆論壇以 “傳承創新、追求卓越的書院教育” 為主題,邀請海內外高校書院教育專家分享書院教育的經驗,並分8個分論壇作專題討論,如書院管理模式探索、服務學習與實踐、書院學生學習與發展、書院文化育人、書院通識與朋輩教育等,同時設立學生專場。是次論壇有來自海內外56所高校的380多名專家學者、師生代表參加。